Friday, June 26, 2009

Pride Equals Destruction

“Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” Proverbs 16:18 NIV

Ok, I confess…I have a pride issue. There, I said it. Sometimes I just want my own way or think my idea is the best way. Well, God has shown me many times that life is not all about me. He has directed my attention to show me that His way is the BEST way. When my pride takes over, I hinder God from giving me the opportunities and blessings He has planned for me. I’m so thankful God has gently shown me how to have a humble attitude when my pride gets out of control. His Word says that pride leads to destruction. It’s only because of God’s mercy and grace that my pride has not destroyed me.

Unfortunately, all we have to do is turn on the tv or pick up the newspaper to see where many people have destroyed their lives because of pride. Unfaithful spouses, dishonest business people and ministry leaders who forsake God’s ways are popular topics of articles. Their choices to follow their pride led to the destruction of their lives.

So, what can we do to recognize when our pride is about to get the best of us? Let’s take a look at the word PRIDE to help us determine what pride looks like.

P-Puts our wants before others’ needs. Sometimes this shows up in attitudes such as “It’s my way or the highway.” Pride keeps us from meeting others’ needs.

R-Rejects godly wisdom from those who see pride is in control of our lives. Pride blinds us to the fact that we are on the path to destruction. The counsel of godly friends makes no sense because it does not fit into our plans.

I-Incorrectly applies Scripture to justify our decisions. I’ve seen many people take a verse out of context just to prove that what they are doing is ok with God. We must be careful to read God’s Word as a whole and not take out the bits and pieces that sound good to us.

D-Distances us from those who don’t share our opinion. Our pride keeps us from forming the relationships we need to hold us accountable in our faith walk. When someone challenges our authority or opinion, pride makes us distance ourselves from them. We surround ourselves with people who share our opinion. The problem with this is that eventually we will alienate all those who care about us if we continue to hold on to our pride. We won’t have anyone around us that will agree with our opinion.

E-Exposes our true motives. Pride shows what we truly believe. If we think we are always right, our pride will expose our feelings of superiority over others. Pride says “I’m in charge, not God.”

I challenge you to look over this list and see if you do any of these things. Pray and ask God to reveal when pride is taking over your life.

Dear Father, open my heart and eyes to know when pride is taking over my life. Fill me with a humble spirit so that I may serve you better.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Talk is Cheap

“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.” Psalm 19:14 NIV

Twitter, facebook, texting…these are the new ways of communication in the 21st century. We receive “words” from people without ever hearing their true voices. Sometimes these ways of communicating can be very convenient for our busy lifestyles. Other times they can cause miscommunication between two people because of the lack of face-to-face interaction. As we go about our daily business, we need to be aware that even though we may not be communicating through the words we say, the words we write, tweet or text can be just as powerful. We are still “talking” no matter the form of communication we choose to use.

Our focus verse today reminds us that we should strive to please God through what we say and what we think. Talk is cheap if we don’t have actions that back up what we say. Our mouths (or fingers) can say one thing, but if we don’t really believe what we say, our words are meaningless. How many times have we passed someone and said “How are you?” but don’t take the time to really hear their answer. Do we really care how the other person is doing?

One thing I’m working on in my own life is to make time to get to know people on a deeper level. I’m convinced that meaningful relationships with people are the way to encourage each other as well as further the kingdom of God. I want my words and actions to be pleasing to God. If I say I’m going to do something for someone, I want to do it.

I encourage you today to consider how you are using your words. Are you building up people or tearing them down with what you say (or write, tweet, text)? Make encouraging words a priority and see how great an impact you can have on someone’s life.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Chosen by God

“The word of the LORD came to Jonah son of Amittai: ‘Go to the great city of Ninevah and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me.’” Jonah 1:1 TNIV

I love reading the story of Jonah. I remember growing up hearing the tale of Jonah and the whale in Sunday school. The teachers always made the story so exciting and intriguing. As I’ve grown older and have read the whole story of Jonah, I have realized that God uses us in the same way He used Jonah to save the people of Ninevah.

Sometimes Christians think just because they have accepted Christ that their lives will be easy and free from trouble. Not so. Jesus says in John 16:33b “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” There are times when our troubles may be God using us in a way that will further His Kingdom and bring Him glory. Look at Jonah. God called him to go to Ninevah, a very wicked city, to preach against it and condemn them to death if they did not change their ways. If you know anything about Jonah you know that he got swallowed by a big fish because he was disobedient and ran away from the task God gave him.

I think that God calls us into similar situations today. All you have to do is pick up the newspaper or watch the news to know how much wickedness is going on in the world today. Modern day Christians are called to stand up and proclaim the word of God to help save the world from its wickedness. Sometimes God places us in the heat of battle so that our lives may affect more people. Maybe you’re facing a troubled relationship, a serious illness, loss of a loved one or a loss of job. Take heart…maybe God is allowing this trouble to help further His Kingdom. Know that God is always in control, and that He has chosen YOU to proclaim the message of His love. What an honor to know that through your trials you are serving God!

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