Friday, July 3, 2009

Making Memories

“But watch out! Be careful never to forget what you yourself have seen. Do not let these memories escape from your mind as long as you live! And be sure to pass them on to your children and grandchildren.” Deuteronomy 4:9 NLT

I am addicted to scrapbooking. I have always loved looking at pictures and making albums out of them. I feel so blessed that I was introduced to scrapbooking when my husband and I were dating. I have albums from our dating years through our wedding and first years together. When we had kids, scrapbooking took on a whole new dimension. I wanted my kids to know all about their years growing up even when they could not remember events from those years anymore. To me scrapbooking is a priceless way to pass down not only family memories but your spiritual heritage.

This summer has been different than any other for our family. This is the first summer that we’ve not had a vacation planned before summer started. It is also the first summer I’ve had a job where the kids have had to stay with Nanny and Papa a few days each week. Now that we’re almost half way through I am asking myself “What do I want the kids to remember about this summer?”

I hope they remember that Mom tried her best to make her days off fun and not just days to catch up on housework. Maybe they’ll remember the days we went to the pool and put off chores for the day. Or maybe they’ll remember impromptu piano lessons, meals out to eat at a “sit down” restaurant or making cupcakes.

When summer is over and the kids are back in school, I will write down our memories and give the kids a summer scrapbook. I will write them notes about how much I love them and all the fun memories we created. If you have children or grandchildren, I challenge you to make memories with them this summer. Don’t forget to write them down so that they may be passed down to future generations.

Father, help us to never forget the precious memories you’ve entrusted to us. May we always be faithful to pass down our stories of your faithfulness to the next generation.

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