Friday, October 23, 2009

All Your Cares

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7

The word “change” causes many different reactions in people. Some embrace change wholeheartedly and are willing to change all the time. Others are afraid of change because they do not know what to expect. I am in the middle of a season of change. My family is making plans to build a new house and my temporary job will come to an end within the next few months.

I could be anxious about these changes because I don’t know how things will turn out. Yes, we have a plan for our house, but after many hours of work and decisions, it may not look exactly how I envisioned. The house may change. Yes, I’ve known that my job is temporary, so I’m not concerned that it will come to an end. The change is that I do not know what God has in store for me next in terms of job and/or ministry.

I could worry and fret that things will not turn out “just right.” Or, I could allow God to be in charge and do my best to follow His leading. I know that He cares for me and only wants what is best for me, so I will put my trust in Him and let Him do what He does best.

Are you struggling through a period of change? Do you rely only on what you see? Can you trust God to lead you through this season?

Father, I cast all my anxiety on you concerning changes in my life. Show me that I can place my faith in you daily and that you will take care of me. Work in my life so that I may testify of your glory to others.

1 comment:

liz barber said...

Hi, found your blog through "Hearts at Home" website. Thank you for your encouraging words. Your posts are really great to read.

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